sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2015



Otter reproduction is complicated, can have one or two young in the year depends on water.


Crocodiles are large reptiles, broad, flattened head and triangular in shape, with strong jaws, which have very sharp teeth that open to the jaws; ear openings are located on both sides of the head and nostrils and eyes are prominences protruding from it.


They are known as zebra (or zebra, spelling obsolete 1) to three species of the genus Equus own Africa, Equus quagga (common zebra) Equus grevyi (Grevy) and Equus zebra (Zebra mountain); the same genus which also includes horses and donkeys.

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The lion (Panthera leo) is a carnivorous mammal of the family Felidae and one of the five species of the genus Panthera. Some males, exceptionally large, weighing up to 250 kg, 3 which makes them the second-largest living cat after the tiger. Wild lions live in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, with a population critically endangered northwest India, having disappeared from North Africa, the Middle East and western Asia in historic times. Until the late Pleistocene, about 10,000 years ago, large terrestrial mammals, the lion was the most widespread after humans. They were found in most of Africa, much of Eurasia from western Europe to India, and the Americas, from the Yukon to southern Mexico.

Lion Ngorongoro Crater.jpg


The vulpine (Vulpini) are a tribe of carnivorous mammals included in the family Canidae. Commonly referred to as foxes, foxes, foxes or raposas.1

They are currently represented by some 27 species found on almost every continent, but the most widespread is the red fox or fox (Vulpes vulpes), which lives in Europe and North America. Other important species are the polar fox, also known as arctic fox, gray fox and the island fox.

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Anacondas (Eunectes genus) are a genus of non-venomous snakes, all constrictors, belonging to the family of boas. It consists of an extinct species and four living species, most with a size from two to ten meters in total length. These snakes usually receive many local names, as kurijús, sucuríes or winks, but its most common name is anaconda. Its scientific name, Eunectes is derived from the Greek word Eυνήκτης, which means "good swimmer"

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Zoo animals


Reproduction is difficult because it belongs to the Caribbean. Which is a hotter area of Valle del Cauca. The temperature in Cali does not help playing.

The Scarlet
The Scarlet is possessed of an iridescent red plumage. Part of the wing feathers are blue, yellow and green lesser extent. The area around the eyes is yellow and his face is dotted with white feathers.


The female lays 9-20 eggs, and the male who is responsible for incubating for 56 days at the days are colored dark green with small white spots, emu chicks have stripes along the body.


The vermilinguos (Vermilingua, lat. "Worm shaped tongue"), commonly known as anteaters, bears or yurumíes palm, is a suborder of the order of placental mammals Pilosa. They are native of southeastern Mexico, Central America and South America; It includes two families, cyclopedidae and Myrmecophagidae.

Despite its name, they have no close relationship with bears (Ursidae).

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Cali .Zoo Foundation

Founded in 1971
Valle del Cauca, Cali
Hours: Monday to Sunday and Holidays: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Current director: Maria Clara Dominguez Address: Carrera 2 West 14th Street, Santa Teresita - AA4265
Phone: (92) 8833179 - 8833180 Fax: (92) 8830062
Entity: Zoological Foundation of Cali.
Email: zoologico@zoologicodecali.com.co
Mission: To promote the conservation of Colombian ecosystems.

Wild Combo

COMBO WILD (Illustrative image)
(Valid for children and adults) $ 21,000 oo
It Includes:
- An entrance to the Zoo
- A dog
- A soda
- And an ice cream

zoo map


Cali Zoo opened its doors in 1969 when he was mayor Mr. Marino Rengifo Salcedo.Al principle, the zoo was run by the municipality (ie government) but the money that was in the mayor needed it for other things such as schools, health, etc.

For this reason the zoo almost have to close, there was not enough money. That was when several people joined to save, including businessmen and government people. These people created the Cali Zoo Foundation in 1981, a foundation nonprofit (this means that they do not care about the money, but they do to help) .Since then the Foundation has been commissioned to handle the Zoo, improving continuously, and they have managed to turn the Cali Zoo one of the best in the country and Latin America.


Located at the West 2nd career with West 14th Street neighborhood of Santa Teresita. The origins of the Zoo dates back to 1968 from the time the process of design and construction of what today is the main floor and some of the existing habitat is started. Currently showcases more than 32 species of reptiles, 83 species of birds and 53 species of mammals, also offers a program of adoption of different species. In the process of its foundation it was counted with the decisive contribution of entities such as the CVC, FES, Junior Chamber, Association of Veterinarians and animal scientists Valley companies and individuals who have always believed and exalted human values of Cali.